While it’s no surprise that excess weight is a risk factor for many health conditions, it’s far less commonly known just how excess weight can impact the health of men and women differently. That means men and women may need to take different approaches when it comes to weight loss.
How Excess Weight Impacts Men and Women Differently
First, it’s important to understand the problem. Extra body weight, particularly in the abdominal area, can increase your risk for type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer, and heart disease. Research has found that obesity contributes to two-thirds of the leading causes of death. However, obesity affects disease risk in women differently than in men. For example, obesity increases the risk of type 2 diabetes more for women than men. Additionally, obesity increases the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic kidney disease more for men.
Build Muscle Through Exercise
One of the reasons men can consume more calories than women without gaining weight is that men tend to have more muscle mass. Muscle requires more calories than other body tissue. Integris Health notes that women can boost their calorie-burning potential by building more muscle through strength training. On days when you can’t get in your strength training routine, make it a point to walk more. Find a walkable area and choose to take the longer way to your favorite cafe or to pick up a few groceries for dinner. You’ll be building muscle, burning calories, and saving on gas.
Cut Back on Stress
Patient points out that stress can lead to weight gain for a variety of reasons. First, stress may affect the hormones that are responsible for regulating appetite, causing you to feel more hungry or to miss signals when you are full. Second, many people cope with negative emotions, such as stress, by eating. Learning to manage your stress in healthy ways, such as meditating or doing yoga, can help prevent stress eating.
Post Progress Pics
A great way to keep yourself motivated is by posting progress pics on your social media accounts. You can also use a background eraser to edit your photos and remove distracting elements, allowing you to focus on how well you’re doing. This is a great way to stay inspired and can even allow you to inspire others to embark on weight loss journeys of their own.
Increase Your Water Consumption
Regularly drinking more water can cause your body to temporarily burn more calories. It may also help you feel more full by taking up space in your stomach and reducing your calorie consumption by replacing caloric beverages, such as milk, fruit juice, or soda.
Eat More Protein
Eating more protein may reduce your overall calorie intake because protein causes you to feel more full and reduces cravings. It also provides a small boost to your calorie burn because protein requires more energy to break down than fats or carbohydrates. If you struggle to know what to eat and in what quantities, check your health insurance to see if it covers working with a nutritionist. If you don’t have coverage, look into state subsidized programs for affordable plans that can help support your healthy changes. You can also shop the healthcare exchange online to find a variety of plans to suit any budget.
Improve Your Sleep Habits
Women trying to juggle work and family responsibilities often have trouble getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep is associated with higher body weights and higher levels of the hormone that makes you feel hungry. Setting a regular sleep schedule that provides you with at least seven hours of quality sleep can increase your chance of losing weight.
Use Your Gym and Pool
When aiming to lose weight, taking full advantage of exercise facilities at your apartment complex can be a game changer. If you're lucky enough to have a gym or pool on-site, make them a key part of your fitness routine. To get in shape. Regular gym sessions can help you build muscle and burn calories, while swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that works the entire body.
Set Yourself Up for Weight Loss Success
While men often have an easier time losing weight at the start of their weight loss journey, the numbers even out over time. Women can boost their chance of success by following one or several of these tips listed above, whether it’s improving your sleeping habits, upping your water intake, getting more natural light, or a combination of many. So, start making changes and see which ones work best for you.
Author: Rebecca Welch