Emily tries an energy-boosting IV treatment
Okay, it’s almost 2023 and we still don’t have some magic potion to give moms an energy boost??
Maybe not, but there are energy-boosting IV treatments that are readily available these days, and I was more than ready to give them a shot recently.
Have you seen all these celebrities getting IV treatments because they’re hung over or need hydration during pregnancy? It probably seems like something only available to the rich and famous right?
But guess what – Even us hot mess mamas can take advantage of the energy boost of an IV treatment. We can even do it at home!
At-home IV treatments are a thing – and I’m here for it
Introverts rejoice!
Companies like IVDRIPS in Maryland offers an amazing experience available to anybody. And you can do it on your own comfy chair at home.
I… I’m not gonna lie. I’m tired, no matter what I do. No matter what type of coffee I switch to or how many glasses I have a day, Mama. Is. Tired.
When I discovered that IVdrips offers energy-boosting IVs, I had to try it! An hour to sit and chill by myself and pump my body full of 90% of the fluids I was going to take in for the day plus some extra B vitamins and zinc to help me fight off any possible germs my kids bring home from preschool, I jumped at the opportunity.
Prepping for my energy boost treatment
I’ll take you from the beginning and go through my experience.
I booked my IV session with Aubrey a few days in advance for Friday morning, but you could easily book this and have someone come in two hours any time of day. Thursday evening I had a call from IVDRIPS and their medical team just to make sure I didn’t have any allergies or heart or lung issues or any other underlying health concerns. The nurse practitioner cleared me for the treatment. Then we chatted about my expectations and what the process was for the following day. All I had to do was have a comfortable spot that I was gonna sit in for an hour the next day. Maybe grab some headphones and an eye mask if I wanted.
Friday morning I confirmed with Aubrey that she was coming at 10:00 and had my cozy chair all set up. Aubrey arrived promptly with her little bag and IV stand and we were ready to get started.
Everything was very easy and comfortable on my end. Aubrey took my vitals, reconfirmed my medical history, and then started the IV. I went with the energy-boosting one, but they offer so many options from immunity, detox, migraines, jet lag, hangover, NAD+. Or you can customize your drip for what you need starting with baseline hydration fluids and adding your choice of vitamins, antioxidants, and/or medications.
IVDRIPS also offers in-house blood draws and virus testing so you don’t have to spend hours at a LabCorp just to be bruised up. No hate for my phlebotomist, but man I always leave that place looking battered.
The drip lasted about an hour from start to finish and Aubrey was present the whole time, in case anything went wrong. We chatted because I’m a social person – especially with a fellow momma – but you could easily get your drip while chilling with some headphones in. Or take a little nap or get ready for the day.
When the IV bag was done, she put a bandaid on my arm and cleaned up. Simple as that!
Come on energy boost!
Now I don’t think I felt the immediate (15-20 minutes) effects like they advertise, but I definitely felt some energy boost that evening.
Normally I would take a nap, either because I am tired or just because, well, I love naps. When my kids lay down but that first day, I just wanted to see how my body was going to handle all these extra vitamins, especially in the evening when I hit that 4 p.m. slump.
I felt great! I didn’t hate bedtime that evening like I normally do because I actually had the energy to deal with my toddlers’ demands of 17 books and needing exactly five ice cubes (no more, no less) in their room-temperature water.
This mama stayed up way later than I normally do. Partially because I had to prepare for a baby shower the following day and partially because I had the energy to stay conscious.
I am sure my husband would have appreciated this energy boost at a time he could have enjoyed it. But too bad. I probably chose the best weekend to really put all these B vitamins to the test because Saturday morning I had to get set up for a baby shower. I spent all day at the church setting up, hosting, and cleaning up, and STILL had the energy to tackle dinner and bedtime when I got home.
Besides the energy, I really felt like my skin looked great Saturday morning! In this pic, I have on just some tinted moisturizer and a little blush on my face (and of course mascara and brows). But look how glowy!
By day four I noticed I was starting to lose the effects of the vitamins. But I still felt pretty good most of the day. Maybe it was the kickstart I needed. Or it was great timing post-holiday and party excitement, but I would 100% do this again!
A treat worth repeating
I wish I was loaded and could afford to do this regularly but I can’t. This was perfect for the time I used it. I would even consider doing it again around the Christmas holidays to get me through that time of year with four toddlers.
If you know a bride or are in a bridal party, this would be great for a wedding morning while getting ready, or a pre/post-bachelorette party! I will definitely have this booked if either of my sisters gets married. I’m old and can’t party like they can and will be needing that hangover drip!
Or maybe make it an annual thing during the first month of school when our kids are exposing us to their little germs. Or if you love your kids’ teachers ::wink wink:: this would be a great back-to-school gift for them! There are so many occasions I can think of to enjoy this treatment. Check out IVDRIPS in Maryland and give Aubrey a call!
Author: Emily Martins is mom to 4 beautiful children and Market Director for Cool Moms of Howard County and Laurel. Visit our Chapter Directory for a Cool Moms near you!