Giving birth to a child, then wanting to get back to your normal sex life with your partner can be a wonderful experience or an absolute shit show.
We posed this question to all 25,000 of our Cool Moms: When did you start feeling comfortable having sex with your partner again after the birth of your child and why that time?
Here’s a few of their responses.
Yelhsa: We didn’t wait. We had sex in the maternity ward a day after.
Stephanie: ASAP. As soon as my vag healed.
Ellen: 3 weeks because I needed to feel sexy again.
Lea Anne: With my 1st child, about 6 weeks. This might be TMI but… my second c section ripped open and I wound up with a wound vac for several months. We couldn’t wait and asked my doctor what the safest positions would be and resumed sex after 2 months WITH the wound vac on my vertical incision site. I wore a long gown to cover it and we were very careful. Do what ya gotta do!
Kate: As soon as I got the doc’s ok at 6 weeks. I’m notoriously horny all the time though.
Megan: No judgements please. 5 weeks, I had a C-section and because we wanted to!
Julie: 12 weeks…after my IUD was inserted. I wasn’t taking any chances of Irish twins. He was supposed to get fixed but refused. I think it was 9/10 weeks with my first.
Laudy: It took me a while let’s say almost 4 months, I know crazy. Especially because of how much I love sex. But I was so not happy with my body. My husband reassured me on how he loved every inch of it but I wasn’t happy. But one day I woke up so horny that I didn’t care how much of a Peppa Pig I looked like and I jumped my husband. That’s how I got my MOJO back!
Maritza: I think 3 months and its because I was scared. You head how highly fertile you are after you have a baby and I’m not ready for another!
Melynda: Both daughters are my ex-husband’s. I had 2 c-sections and had to wait 6 weeks before I got the go ahead from the doctor. Problem was him. He lost interest for about 6 months and wouldn’t touch me. I’m surprised my marriage lasted to have a 2nd child. Same thing happened after her birth and then that’s when I lost interest in trying to seduce him. I knew he didn’t want a 3rd child and I wasn’t ready to kiss my sex life goodbye.
Jacki: 6 months PP and still waiting…both physically and mentally uncomfortable. Still a bit painful during and a I’m bit uncomfortable with my new PP body. Luckily my husband is very supportive.
Aleigh: I tore pretty badly. I can honestly say 8 months out and with a pelvic floor specialist and tons of high-quality lube. I’m still dreading it every time.
Sarah: 6 months…and we adopted.
Vanessa: Oh man. I think around 6 months. I was totally touched out between breastfeeding every two hours and not sleeping. Plus, after a c-section my stomach/skin still hurt (for a year). And without birth control I was too worried about another baby so soon.
Maria M: It took a while for me. I had a horrible delivery, took forever to recover, breastfeeding was awful, and I got bad postpartum depression. Maybe 6 months? I think I blocked it out since it was such an awful experience.
Emily: At was at least 6 months, then another 4 before we tried again. I had a 2nd degree tear and the stitches did next to nothing – they all came out. But my cafe team didn’t believe me and I had to wait til 6 weeks to be seen, and then it was another 4-6 weeks of constant pain while waiting for things to finish healing on their own. I was terrified of peeing or pooping for months, no way was anyone else going near there for a long time. Plus, hubs doesn’t really find me attractive during pregnancy or immediately postpartum
Alicen: My baby is a year and we really haven’t gotten back into things yet. Nursing make me have zero interest.
Krystal: Two years. My son just turned two. I have negative 100% interest in sex. I don’t even want to be touched.
Amy: I still don’t understand how we have a 2nd kid.
Leighona: 13 months after my first I was breastfeeding—and we got pregnant accidentally that one time with my second. My hubs doesn’t like to have sex when I’m pregnant so it was like a desert for over another year. I think we had sex 9 months after my second, but it was uncomfortable still. I have an IUD now, but I’m scared to death of getting pregnant again.
Maddie: Never! But that’s because he wasn’t willing to wait for me to be ready and started sleeping with someone else.
Kristen: 3-5 years.
Melynda: Both daughters are my ex-husband’s. I had 2 c-sections and had to wait 6 weeks before I got the go ahead from the doctor. Problem was him. He lost interest for about 6 months and wouldn’t touch me. I’m surprised my marriage lasted to have a 2nd child. Same thing happened after her birth and then that’s when I lost interest in trying to seduce him. I knew he didn’t want a 3rd child and I wasn’t ready to kiss my sex life goodbye.
Author: Allison Lemons
Allie is Supermom to Alexandria, and Communications Director for Sixx Cool Moms!!!